Racked Her Brains? (5)

When he saw that Xi Xiaye had carried Mu Xiaocheng out of the door, Mu Yuchen calmly said to Li Si, as he sat down on the sofa, "Have a seat."

"Alright, Master!" Li Si sat down respectfully.

"Master, Gu Qiwu was taken to the police station this morning. His assistant, Ah Yong, came looking for me and said..."

At this, Mu Yuchen could roughly guess the situation. He took his teacup up calmly and had a sip. "Doris moves quite fast." You could not hear the tone in his lowered voice while his dark eyes were filled with a calm light.

Li Si paused and lowered his voice to say, "Yes, Doris has always been like this. She can truly set her mind to be heartless, but Gu Qiwu was quite merciless too. With a woman like Doris, the more Gu Qiwu doesn't go along with her, it will be easy for her to just go the extreme end, such as the incident with Ah Mo this time around."