Panic! (1)

Her gloomy voice contained a hint of stifled uncertainty as her fingers that interlocked tightly revealed her uneasiness.

Glenn nodded. He slowly gathered himself and said softly, "Yes, Li Si brought people over and personally found them. Our people were one step too late. They didn't want to fight with them, so they left."

"Useless!" Doris clenched her fists tightly and slammed the table as she said coldly, "How do they do things? They can't even get this little thing right and they keep making mistakes! All of them are a useless bunch!"

"Miss, don't be angry. Let's not panic first. Right now, Gu Qiwu's detained at the police station. This whole thing has already lost its initial intention. We don't have to bother with that anymore. As long as we handle the rest cleanly, they can't do anything to us," Glenn said with a lowered voice.