Father and Son (3)

The father and son pair walked out of the door with the older Mu Tangchuan walking in front while the son, Mu Yuchen, followed behind.

The dim streetlights by the front yard dragged their shadows long.

This scenery made Mu Yuchen recall many years when he was much younger. Sometimes, his father, Mu Tangchuan, would pick him up from school. It seemed to have been like this too, but the difference was that he would walk in front when he was younger while his father protected him from behind. Now, it was flipped around with the father in front and him behind.

He was more than 50 years old and would be turning 60 soon. He did not look as healthy as he did from years before. He was someone who had gone through his years now...

They walked for a while and soon reached Mu Tangchuan's car. The chauffeur had already turned on the headlights.