Dead End (3)

The husband and wife were laughing all the way as they made their way quickly to the Western suburbs. They did not bring along bodyguards, so it was just the two of them.

When the car slowly approached the Western suburbs, it was exactly 11 p.m. It was quiet all around while the rain silently pattered. The dim light from the streetlights fell on their faces through the car windows.

Xi Xiaye slowed the car down as Mu Yuchen looked ahead. After a while, the car parked steadily by the roadside.

"He's already waiting there."

At the sound of Mu Yuchen's voice, Xi Xiaye followed his gaze and looked over too. Soon, she saw a figure standing by the pastureland railings. She then said, "It's him."

Then, she quickly turned off the headlights while Mu Yuchen took an umbrella to get down from the car. Xi Xiaye locked the car up and followed him from behind.