So-Called Love and Hate (4)

When Ah Mo said that, Mu Yuchen smiled gladly. He took another drag, then frowned slightly before he said, "You and I thought of the same thing. I knew that when Gu Qiwu got detained this time, he'd ask for my help to get him out. Do you know what was the condition I set?"

"What is it?"

Ah Mo had heard from Li Si that Gu Qiwu had been detained for being accused of killing Wang Qin, and it seemed like he had not been bailed just yet. Li Si had also told him that Gu Qiwu and Master had a deal. However, he did not go into detail about the actual situation and just advised Ah Mo to ask his Master about it.

"This collaboration already has its purpose. Getting him out is only one of the phases. I told him to leave Hui Gu for Lingshi, and to let Lingshi get rid of the title as an illegitimate daughter."

"What about him? What did he say?" Ah Mo asked.