Not Important Anymore (5)

Ji Zitong squinted at him and was about to lie back down when she saw him lost in thought, so she could not help but ask, "Mmm, got it. I'll sleep for a while longer then. What are you thinking about? You look so entranced."

Su Chen then snapped back to his senses and a smile flashed across his lips. "Nothing. I was just thinking about what dishes you like."

Ji Zitong yawned and combed through her messy hair as she shrugged and said, "Anything's fine. Something light will be good. Let's have steamboat at home and not go out for dinner. We've been eating heaty food recently. It's a bit too much. Didn't you say that you felt heaty yesterday? I'll make a trip back to my mother's this afternoon and bring some wild chrysanthemum tea home since it's good for the liver and the eyes."

Her concerned tone made Su Chen's heart soften, and he did not disagree with the suggestion. "I'll go pick you up at noon then?"