Dare to Bet? (2)

Qi Lei's eyes darkened as he watched him coldly for a while, then smiled. "All the while, it was you who was prejudiced."

When Qi Feng heard that, he looked at him in amusement.

"You know very well yourself if you've truly cared about our kinship all these years."

Qi Lei's words made Qi Feng's eyes fill with an unfathomable depth, and he smiled in disdain. "The person who's having a fall out with the entire family is you, not me. Aren't you aware of that?"

"Family? Do you know what family means?" Qi Lei said coldly as he looked up with a fixed gaze at Qi Feng whose face had darkened a little.

"If you don't believe me, we can do an experiment. Do you dare to bet on it? Bet with me. If you win, I will disappear from your life forever. How about that?" Qi Lei asked, his eyes filled with calm. They seemed to be undisturbed as though it was hard to provoke him at all.

"Bet on what?" Qi Feng squinted at Qi Lei and asked coldly.