Opening Ceremony (1)

Credit that could not be erased?

When Xi Xiaye heard that, she immediately raised her brows and looked at him. Her beautiful eyes were as dazzling as the stars when they met with his gaze that contained a smile. His eyes then turned and fell onto the window. Through it, he saw Mu Yinan and the little one having fun.

Their son, Mu Zicheng...

Her lips curved up slightly as her eyes were filled with a faint tenderness. She subconsciously held tightly onto his hand as she smiled and said, "Then, let's continue on this way and have another one or two more!"

There she went again!

She really liked children. There was no doubt about that. With the orphanage, even when she was busy, she would insist that Xiao Mei visit them every month. Every Chinese New Year or on other festivities, she would send gifts and financial aid over. Sometimes, she would even personally pick gifts for the children.