If There's A Will, There's A Way (3)

The several people whose names had been called were all veterans of the Qi Kai Group. They were not only capable employees but also people who held very prominent positions in the company. Another similarity among them was that they were close to Qi Feng. Their endorsements were crucial in supporting his decision to bring forward the shareholders' meeting.

When Gu Lingsha asked that question, they exchanged glances and then shot a glimpse at Gi Feng subconsciously while Qi Feng was looking down at the files calmly.

The few people nodded secretly, and Director Yang, who had been named, cleared his throat. However, just when he was about to speak up, the cell phone in his pocket vibrated suddenly. Although the phone was already set to the vibration mode, the two people beside him could still feel it, so they glanced at him together.