Of Course I Hate You! (3)

She had to calm down before she found her voice, and her fingers that held Mu Yuchen's wrist tightened before she quickly asked anxiously, "How's Xiao Rui? Where is he hurt? Is it serious? How did that happen?"

"I'm very sorry, Missus Mu. He fought with a fellow student and accidentally fell down the stairs."

"How could that be?! Our Xiao Rui wouldn't fight with others. What happened?"


"I'll be there right away!" Xi Xiaye frowned and said worriedly before she hung up.

She knew what her son was like. Mu Zirui had always been a quiet and reserved child. Something must have happened that caused this fight.

Mu Yuchen, who was driving by her side, had obviously heard everything she said. He frowned and turned to look at her. When he saw that she looked anxious and pale, his heart sank as he consoled her, "Don't be too worried first. Since they are at the infirmary, then it shouldn't be too serious. Let's go over and take a look first."