Do You Hate Me? (4)

When Xi Xiaye heard that, she raised her eyebrows and thought about it for a moment before she said, "Then, what do you want in return?"

He immediately gave her a meaningful look with a playful gleam in his eye.

"Missus, you know what I want best," he whispered.

"You want me to go fishing at the riverside with you tomorrow evening? Or go for a run? Or maybe play some kind of fun game with you?"

"What game?" His eyes lit up.

"Plants vs. Zombies..."

Master Mu was speechless and he had no choice but to say, "Fine, I'll satisfy your vanity."

"Huh, how do you know if it's vanity?"

"Because I often think so too!"

"In that case, we really are husband and wife! You're as dramatic as I am." She chuckled softly but did not end up letting him give her a piggyback ride. She knew that he would, and that was all she needed to know.