I'm Not You (2)

Song Siting's gaze darkened after a series of sarcastic comments.

She knew how her daughter was like. She was too much like her. They held true to their words. Between them, they had many disagreements, and they both had their reasons, but as long as her daughter could grow stronger, she did not mind.

"What's wrong with Fujiwara? His feelings for you weren't developed over a day or two unless you're still—"

"It's really late now. You can go home. Don't come bothering me for no reason. I'll visit home tomorrow. It's best you go home and have a think about whatever you want to say or talk about. If you're anticipating for me to be more efficient at work, get Father to also arrange for a set of printed information on the Dongfang Group from the past few days. Print two copies then pass it to me tomorrow." Dongfang Liuyun got up a little unhappily and her beautiful brows were knitted.