Return (3)

When Dongfang Liuyun finished, Dongfang Gan thought about it for a while, then nodded.

"That's fine too. Do as you wish then. I've told Ah Fei to prepare the information, he'll send it over later."

Then, he inhaled and turned his head to look at Dongfang Liuyun's expression that was indifferent and hard to read. "Since you've quit your job at the university, I'm sure you're mentally prepared as well. Take some time to rest first. Slowly get familiar with everything else later on. The company's situation is very complicated, and I'm afraid you won't be able to take it all on immediately. When you think you can then come to the office to work, be my assistant first."

"I won't be your assistant. I'll go straight to the marketing department. In fact, I applied for an advertised position. I know the company's marketing department has been looking out for a business manager."