Hope You Can Compromise (2)

The two of them walked along this pedestrian path for quite a distance until the splendor of lights ahead came to an end before Dongfang Liuyun said to turn back. Qi Lei agreed.

The streetlights past midnight seemed brighter than before. They walked for quite a while and then reached their parked cars. Qi Lei, who did not say much throughout the walk, suddenly spoke up, "Alright, it's the wee hours of the morning. Go home earlier. From what I recall, this isn't quite like you."

When she heard that, she laughed. "Sometimes, I just say things. There are times when I feel down and lonely too. Alright, that's enough. Here, take back your coat."

Then, she took off the coat from her shoulders and handed it to him.

Qi Lei silently looked on for a while, then finally took it back. He thought about it for a moment and said, "You don't have to give yourself so much pressure. You're just one woman."