Sick (2)

When the phone rang, Qi Lei's car had just passed through the traffic port ahead. The second he heard his phone ring, he turned to look and saw two words pop up on his screen, so he swiftly picked up.

"Hello, Liuyun?"

"Lan Xiu...can you come over? I'm at the Grand Summer Bay highway intersection...I...I can't hold on till the hospital anymore..." Dongfang Liuyun only had so much energy to whisper that before her hand fell limp and her phone fell to the ground.

Duu duu—

Before Qi Lei could respond, the busy signal of the phone rang and he immediately tensed up. It seemed that Dongfang Liuyun was not feeling too well!

As he thought about it, his dark eyes squinted and then a darkness flashed through them. He immediately had a bad feeling!

Did she not mention the Grand Summer Bay highway intersection?

Something must have happened!