1549章 谢谢你(五)

"So, this lady is the purpose of your visit, isn't it?" Lisa shot Qi Lei an ambiguous gaze, then her stare fell on Dongfang Liuyun.

Qi Lei took off the shades on his face and turned to look at Dongfang Liuyun, who was standing next to him, while she returned the gaze and took off her sunglasses too.

"This is my wife, Dongfang Liuyun. Liuyun, this is Lisa." Qi Lei kept the introduction short and simple.

Dongfang Liuyun greeted Lisa politely with a nod. She then stretched out her fair hand and said gently, "Hi, I'm Dongfang Liuyun."

"Nice to meet you, Miss Dongfang. You look gorgeous. Qi Lei is a lucky man!" Lisa could not take her eyes off Dongfang Liuyun while the smile on her face was unabated, and her expression was full of admiration. "My God , Qi Lei, you bad boy. You actually..."

"I'm very lucky. That's why I need you to personally customize a token to commemorate this meaningful event," Qi Lei said in his deep voice.