Father-in-law? (1)

When she said this, Dongfang Liuyun's tone was at ease, and her gaze was surprisingly colored with some tenderness too.

"Not everyone has the same boldness. I should be grateful that you'd accept me. At least, up till now, I'm still quite grateful," she said calmly.

Upon hearing this, Qi Lei's gaze fell silent and a delighted smile spread across his face as he smiled meaningfully at her. "You make me sound like I'm really suffering. Aren't you worried that I'll have ulterior motives?" he said. Then, he examined her up and down in amusement before he smiled and continued, "Like you...you've got pretty good looks...I can't deny that you're one of the most unique and charismatic women I've met. Your beauty is top-notch."

"Well then, I should feel honored that my parents did such a good job at giving birth to me," she answered without a hint of modesty. Then, Qi Lei chuckled.