From Behind (2)

The afternoon sun was scorching, and the wind in the air was hot.

Qi Lei had just walked out of the company when he was greeted by waves of heat. Yang Sheng walked behind him and actively held an umbrella for him. However, Qi Lei raised his hand to stop him and walked outside under the sun.

"Master Qi, the sun is too hot!" Yang Sheng chased after him as he said.

The bodyguards had already driven the car over. Qi Lei quickly opened the car door and sat in. Yang Sheng sat in the front passenger seat.

"Master Qi!"

Gasping for breath, Yang Sheng turned to look at Qi Lei. "Master Qi, what did Master Mu Say?"

"Book the plane tickets immediately and fly to City tomorrow afternoon."

Qi Lei, who was sitting in the back seat, had already turned on his laptop and started to look at the meeting minutes.

"What? Are we going there tomorrow afternoon?"

Yang Sheng was naturally a little surprised as he looked at Qi Lei in a daze.