Cultured Woman Hooligan (1)

She did not say anything and allowed him to hold onto her hand. When her palm felt warm, she reached out her idle hand and gently covered the back of his slightly cold hand. She did not say anything.

After thinking for a long time, she replied, "There's no need for God to watch over us, for most of these things, we'd be the ones managing and maintaining ourselves."

"That's true. We're not people who believe in fate. Thank you, Mrs. Qi."

His handsome face showed some gentleness as he looked at her quietly.

She lowered her eyes and smiled happily. "President Qi, you're too courteous."

"I won't be courteous then?"

He looked at the gentleness on her face and suddenly smiled evilly. Before Dongfang Liuyun could react, a cold kiss had already landed on her lips.

Dongfang Liuyun paused for a moment before pushing him away. "Are you planning an attack?"

"Didn't you say that I was being too courteous?"

"I'll send you down to fish—"