I’m Not Your Rival In Love (2)

Ruled out!

When these words entered Lan Xiu's mind, he could not help but turn pale. His hand that was holding the cup tightened!

Yes, he was right. He, Lan Xiu, was ruled out!

Qi Lei's gaze turned sharp. Seeing that his expression was not good, he slowly stood up—

"I know you like her, but from the moment you rejected her, you've already lost all your right. Also, you'll know that in this world, there's absolutely no one more suitable for her than me, Qi Lei. This is fated. She's mine."

Qi Lei gritted his teeth as he finished the rest of his sentence. His gaze was unusually determined!

Lan Xiu's breathing stopped for a moment. When he looked back at Qi Lei, he had already taken a step forward..

"Your love rival isn't me. I've always been the guardian behind her, that's all."

In the end, Lan Xiu said this to Qi Lei's back.

Qi Lei was stunned for a moment, but his footsteps did not slow down at all