Wait For You (3)

When he let go of her, their breaths were already unsteady.

He helped her tidy her messy hair in a gentlemanly manner. He held her shoulders and walked towards the car in front.

"It's already so late. I don't think you have had anything to eat, let's go to the riverside inn and have some supper."

Dongfang Liuyun also helped him fix his slightly messy tie as she suggested.

"We still have work tomorrow, let's go home early and rest. Call Mama Wang if you want to eat anything."

"Don't worry. It'll be very quick. It's only 10 o'clock. Otherwise, we can go to the food stall near our villa area. The sweet potato porridge there is quite good. We can be home before 12 o'clock. My treat!"

She laughed calmly and reached into his pocket for the car keys...


The black Porsche sped past the quiet street and stopped steadily at a food stall near the suburbs north of the city.