Pleasure To Meet You! (1)

Qin Su instantly felt the sudden refreshing aura, she had always been very vigilant.

However, she did not stop moving, she knew that this was her usual reflex. It was not until the person behind her sat down across her that she stopped moving. She frowned and casually glanced at him, very quickly, she lowered her eyes and continued eating her food.

Zhou Zimo, who had always been in high demand, was the focus of attention wherever he went. Only this Qin Su seemed to have never looked him in the eye, whether it was before or now!

Could it be that Zhou Zimo's charm index had dropped?

Zhou Zimo could not help but doubt his own charm. After some thought, he realized that the sunglasses on his face had not been taken off yet. At this moment, he quickly reached out to take off the sunglasses on his face.

"Qin Su."

A low voice sounded, which surprised Qin Su. She raised her head and looked over.