Emergency (3)

After a long drive on Fatong Avenue, the car finally stopped in front of an independent luxurious villa.

The car in front stopped, and soon, the black-clothed bodyguard who had been waiting in front of the door opened the back seat door.

A black figure unhurriedly got out of the car.

It was a tall and slender man...

He was so handsome, and his whole body was filled with a reserved and deep manner. However, it was impossible to ignore the aura on his body.

"Master Fujiwara, you're back!"

The two bodyguards in black stepped forward and said respectfully.

Fujiwara stopped and steadied himself. He raised his eyes slightly, narrowed his silent eyes, and looked quietly at the villa in front of him that had not seen for a long time. The large hand hidden under his sleeve tightened, and he nodded gently afterwards, before he took large strides and walked inside.