Missing (3)

The light of dawn tore through a corner of the sky. When the gray haze outside the window was dispelled by the rays of dawn, Qi Lei woke up.

In fact, Qi Lei did not really fall asleep. Of course, he did not dare to sleep. It was not until dawn, when the doctor said that the situation had stabilized, that he finally relaxed and took a nap.

He raised his hand to rub his tired eyes. Suddenly, he felt something pressing down on his shoulder. He subconsciously turned his head to look and realized that Dongfang Liuyun was sleeping soundly on his shoulder.

She was really exhausted. She had been busy for the past few days, and now...

A faint fragrance assaulted him. Her beautiful long hair draped over her shoulders. She looked worn out.

Qi Lei subconsciously reached out and touched her head. He turned to look out the window. A ray of dawn had already shone through the window, and the soft light scattered all over the floor in front of the window.