I'm Worried About You (5)

It was already an hour later when dinner was ready.

Dongfang Liuyun had just begun serving, and Yang Sheng was also very diligent in helping to prepare the bowls and chopsticks.

"I'll go up and ask him to come down for dinner. Let's have some wine, it's in the wine cabinet, bring a bottle of red wine over," said Dongfang Liuyun.

"Yes, Missus."

Yang Sheng replied. Dongfang Liuyun then went upstairs.

The bedroom was empty. Dongfang Liuyun turned around and walked towards the study. Just as she pushed the door open, she could smell a faint smell of smoke. She looked around and soon found the figure in the rattan chair under the floor-to-ceiling curtains by the window.

The phone on the low table beside him was still on. There was a call coming in, but Qi Lei had turned it off.