I Will Marry You In My Lifetime (2)

When she said these, Qin Su's tone was very calm.

She had heard that time could calm many things, even memories. Now as she spoke about it, it did not feel as ghastly as before.

"She was an orphan. After I dealt with her funeral, I went to look for that man, but he was already with another woman, and that woman was already pregnant."

"I found the doctor and got the time certificate of that woman's pregnancy. After that, I sued the man to the military court. Even that woman was not spared. She should still be in prison now."

Zhou Zimo could not help but be stunned when he heard these words!

He did not expect her to have such an experience.

"Do you think I'm quite ruthless?"

Seeing that Zhou Zimo did not answer, Qin Su asked with a faint smile.

Zhou Zimo was stunned for a while before shaking his head silently. "No, if it were me, I wouldn't let them off so easily either."