Desolation (2)

Qi Lei reached out to take it unhurriedly.

Yang Sheng immediately gestured for everyone to be quiet as he stood by Qi Lei's side.

Qi Lei lowered his eyes and took a deep breath. After a while, he propped himself up on the platform in front of him in a daze. His expression was a little different from his usual indifferent and deep look.

The reporters below also subconsciously quieted down. The entire venue fell silent.

"Master Qi... have a glass of water."

Yang Sheng handed over a glass of water, but Qi Lei raised his hand to stop him. He coughed a few times in discomfort before looking up at the reporters with his silent eyes. His deep voice was very hoarse—

"Today, I've asked everyone to come over. I just want to explain one thing to everyone."