Who Asked Us To Be Buddies? (1)

Dongfang Shuman spoke faintly, her old face was also completely silent. She did not seem to show any emotion, but Ah Cai could feel the aura that had suddenly cooled down.

"President Shu, President Gan will understand. He is now in that position." Ah Cai advised.

"It doesn't matter whether he understands or not. I don't have much time to live. I'm afraid that I won't be able to see the day when my wish is fulfilled. You have also seen the internal situation of the company. I have nothing to regret in my life. I have no guilt. But as a mother, I still failed a little."

As Dongfang Shuman said this, she took a deep breath and turned around silently. She looked out of the window—

It was still bleak outside the window.