Who Asked Us To Be Buddies? (3)

After hanging up the phone, Mu Yuchen fell silent again. He sat alone on the sofa and closed his eyes to rest.

After who knew how long, he suddenly heard footsteps behind him.

"Master, Master Qi Is Here!"

The butler came to report.

Mu Yuchen then opened his heavy eyelids with some difficulty. He took a deep breath and replied, "Let him in."

He replied as he bent down to pick up the cold water in front of him and drank a few mouthfuls. The cold sensation spread through his throat to every part of his body before he felt much more awake.

Not long after, the sound of footsteps could be heard. He turned his head to look and saw Qi Lei walking in.

"From the looks of you, Grandfather Mu doesn't seem to be doing very well. How is he? Is he alright?"

Qi Lei sat down opposite Mu Yuchen and looked at him worriedly.

"He's the same as always. Why are you here?"

Mu Yuchen poured Qi Lei a glass of water as he asked.