Shy? (2)

Zhou Zimo's eyes darkened, and his gaze changed unpredictably in an instant—

He should have known that she, Qin Su, had always been like this. He could only blame himself for not being able to control his emotions. Now, even his rationality to control his emotions had completely vanished.

However, perhaps some words and some things would be better if they were said openly.

He had never thought of hiding the feelings in his heart for her.

"I won't force you to marry me. I will make you marry me willingly."

Zhou Zimo was silent for a long time before he said this.

Qin Su glanced at him coldly. The pain on her lips was very clear. She lowered her gaze to look at the blood stains on her fingertips. Her starry eyes darkened for a moment. When she raised her eyes again, she saw Zhou Zimo staring at her with narrowed eyes as if he had not finished yet.