Leaving in a Huff (3)

"Ah Ye..."

After a long while, Lan Xiu finally called out in a low voice.

Dongfang Liuyun's gaze was still fixed on Fujiwara's cold and stern face. There was no expression on his plain and otherworldly face, but there was clearly a hint of depression in the depths of his starry eyes.

Fujiwara also silently watched her for a long time, until the cold night wind had chilled the last bit of warmth in his body. Only then did he pick up his pace and walk forward. Under their two gazes, he pulled out a seat at the side and sat down.

He took the wine and poured himself a glass. He frowned slightly and downed it in a few gulps. He then raised his eyes to look at the two of them. His voice was a little hoarse. "What do you mean that's all there is to your feelings? What do you mean that's as far as you can go?"