Relief (1)

Hearing Qi Lei's words, Dongfang Liuyun chuckled and hugged him too—

"You're so reluctant?"

"I'm afraid that if I act too happy, you'll get arrogant."

Qi Lei responded.

Dongfang Liuyun glanced at him and slowly retreated from his embrace as she opened the car door. "Only when you don't have enough confidence in the other party will you worry about not being too full of love. Mr. Qi Lei, you won't be holding back on me too, right?"

As Dongfang Liuyun spoke, she pointed at the passenger seat beside her and gestured for him to get into the car.

Qi Lei coughed lightly and got into the car as well.

"Why did you follow me here?"

Dongfang Liuyun started the car and asked.

"I left the documents in the car. The morning meeting can only be delayed until the afternoon."

Qi Lei raised his hand and rubbed the space between his brows. He turned his head and sure enough, a black folder landed beside the seat—