She Cried (5)

Mu Yuchen was silent for a moment. Then, he put his phone away and placed it on the table beside him. With one hand supporting the corner of the table, he turned around and silently looked outside the French window. He took a deep breath.

"How is it?"

Xi Xiaye saw his reaction and was clearly a little anxious as well, so she quickly asked.

"Dongfang Shuman went over. Qi Lei was shot and his whereabouts are unknown."

His voice was a little hoarse. "Before he left, he told me that he thinks that his future is with Dongfang Liuyun. Only when she's better will he be better. I never thought that Qi Lei would have such a day too."

Xi Xiaye's expression froze for a moment, and her heart tightened—

Dongfang Shuman is gone?

Qi Lei was shot and his whereabouts were unknown?

Was this the result they had been waiting for so many days for?