Engaged (1)

The typhoon had passed. After a few days of torrential rain, the weather became better in the next few days. It was a rare cloudy day, and the water on the ground had dried up.

After reaching an agreement with Lan Xiu that day, Leng Xinran and Lan Xiu became closer. The two of them got along well and peacefully.

Lan Xiu went to Leng Xinran's side more frequently. Leng Xinran had been resting at home for the past few days. After she recovered a little, she went back to class and returned to the Leng Group in her previous position, as Vice President of the Leng Group and temporarily taking over the company's business.

Leng Mingyi was still in the hospital for observation. Leng Xinran would also visit him every few days, but the relationship between father and daughter was still very cold.