The Love of Chuan Rong (25)

When he pulled her into his embrace, Zhuang Shurong was a little stunned. She quickly reached out and wrapped her arms around his waist.

Mu Tangchuan tightened his arms slightly and hugged her for a while before patting her back. A deep voice was slowly heard—

"Have you been waiting for a long time? Why aren't you waiting in the car? It's too cold outside."

"It's fine. Let's get in the car. Mother and Father have already prepared the food at home."

Zhuang Shurong took the briefcase from his hands and pulled him along.

Mu Tangchuan looked at her anxious expression and could only smile. He also let her to pull him forward.

Zhuang Shurong's address of Mu Yinan and Wang Hui had become Mother and Father at Wang Hui's request. She was going to change her address soon anyway. The betrothal gifts had also been given to the Zhuang family, so it was not strange for her to change the way she addressed them now.

"Was the training quite boring?"