Spurting a mouthful on his face...

"Unless mommy voluntarily returns to the Gong family; if so, then I'm willing to meet him!"

His uncle slowly poured himself a glass of red wine. He seemed to be in deep thought as he ran his slender fingers along the glass rim.

The boy pouted with a smile of resignation.

No matter what, he would hold the same stand as his mother.

If he were to put aside her wishes and follow his uncle back to the Gong family, then his grandfather would likely be able to tell his identity based on his looks.

At that time, his grandfather might trace his identity back to his mother, and that could lead to issues cropping up for her. This was a situation that he did not want to see!

The man sized up the little fellow from head to toe, and upon remembering how his sister had refused to return to their family because of Mu Yazhe, he felt aggrieved and hurt.