Reached in Time

However, if Wang Yang dared to make troubles for him during middle school exams, do not blame him for being unruly.

He was merely his cousin. Even if it was his biological brother creating troubles for him, he would still bash him to a pulp!

"Alright, it is good that you know what you are doing." Qiao Nan nodded and did not mention it anymore.

"Don't just worry about me. I heard that things are not going so well at your house either. Even though it might not escalate to that extent, you have to be careful. Don't oversleep or be late. Once you are late, you would be forbidden to sit for the exams." Zhu Baoguo reminded her out of concern.

"You do not need to remind me about this, I know the rules very well." Qiao Nan felt comforted by his concerned words but a cold sparkle flashed in her eyes.

Wang Yang and Zhu Baoguo were merely cousins, hence he had no qualms about targeting Zhu Baoguo. But her family was definitely one of a kind.