Not the Same School

Zhai Sheng appeared to be dejected when he thought of that.

"It was quite good. I guess the results will be coming out in a few days." This time, Qiao Nan walked automatically out of habit to the seat beside Zhai Sheng and sat down. There was no need for Zhai Sheng to motion her over.

"You seem to be pretty confident. Where did you get these books?" Zhai Sheng looked at the foreign language books on the desk.

"My deskmate gave it to me." Zhai Sheng held an English book which Zhu Baoguo gave her in his hands. "Since I am free this summer break, it would be good to do some reading. When I go to high school, I would still need to take English as a subject after all."

"Do you like English?"

"It is okay." In her previous life, she managed to earn a fair amount of extra income with her proficiency in English. It could be out of habit that she had the love and will to do well for English.