My Turn to Call the Police

"No, there are no such people in our quad." Ding Jiayi shook her head. "Look carefully again. It may be somewhere here."

"Well, hurry and look for it." These two new clothes were supposed to motivate Qiao Zijin to work hard for the next few days.

However, despite having searched high and low in the house and covered in dust, Ding Jiayi and Qiao Zijin could not find the bags in which they put the clothes that were bought yesterday. "No, no, it cannot be. Did someone take it away?" Ding Jiayi could not help but wonder since she still could not find the new clothes after searching for a long time.

Initially, Ding Jiayi was furious that she had to surrender the rights to family funds and had to fork out fifty yuan from her salary to make it up to Qiao Nan. But at the thought that she had spent fifty yuan in advance to buy new clothes for Qiao Zijin, she felt slightly comforted.

As for Qiao Zijin's tuition fees, she would come up with ways to get the money.