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Calling her little sister-in-law was really appropriate. "Little sister-in-law, this is my name card. I live in Ping Cheng now. If you encounter any trouble in the future, don't hesitate to look for me. You know Zhai Sheng's situation too. He has too little time to spend with you. As his brother, I can't help much in other things but I certainly can't let you be bullied by others in my territory."

"Alright, thank you." Having been addressed so many times as little sister-in-law by Zheng Liang, Qiao Nan felt quite embarrassed.

"Little sister-in-law, I'm on very good terms with Zhai Sheng. His matter is equivalent to mine. Then, I'll be leaving first." Zheng Liang was quite a straightforward person. Having said his words, he simply left.

Shi Qing leaned over. "Your jump in progress is really fast. Clearly, that man is much older than you, yet he still has to address you as little sister-in-law respectfully. Won't he feel shortchanged?"