The Zhai Family Protecting Their Calf

School had just started and today's subject was one of the main subjects. Not many students dared to skip lessons.

Qiao Nan found a seat and sat down to eat her breakfast secretly. She was afraid that she would be late. Therefore, she did not have her breakfast at the Lin family's house. Instead, she brought it with her to school.

Qiao Nan, who was eating stealthily like a mouse, did not realize that three pairs of eyes were fixed on her as soon as she sat down. The three of them felt perplexed and were in a fix.

It was only until now that Tang Jiayun and the two of them realized that Qiao Nan and Shi Qing did not have a change of dormitory. Instead, they stayed outside the school.

In other words, Qiao Nan was able to move out because of Shi Qing.

Previously, the three of them still had some doubts. However, they were very certain now.