It’s Better for Me to Do It

Qiao Nan carried her books to one side and sat down to catch up on her studies.

Well, her husband was home. Qiao Nan's study plan was now lagging by half a day.

Honestly, in front of Qiao Nan, this student, even the soldier Zhai Sheng was not considered a busy man. Qiao Nan was the truly busy one. She very much wished that there could be two of her or she was a superhuman with three heads and six arms.

When Qiao Nan finished half of the tasks that she planned to do today, Zhai Sheng came home.

After Zhai Sheng entered the bedroom, he walked behind Qiao Nan, reached out his hands, and hugged her from behind.

As soon as he exerted strength with his iron-like arms, Qiao Nan's body was lifted into the air, although she was still holding on to a pen.