There Is a Need to Cool Down

"Their father doesn't have any problem carrying them on one hand each. Now, the three of them are older. If my husband is around, he will carry one with his left hand, one with his right hand, and one on his back. San Bao didn't join her brothers and insisted that you carry all three of them altogether. They are already very sensible."

After talking about the children, Qiao Nan expressed concern about Fang Fang's situation. "How is it?"

"What do you mean?" There were two little ones in her arms but she could not carry them as they were too heavy. Fang Fang was full of regrets. At that moment, she did not get what Qiao Nan was driving at.

"What can it be? Gao Yan and you." After carrying San Bao for a while, Qiao Nan's arms were aching badly. She could only move San Bao to her side. San Bao knitted her brows, held on to Qiao Nan, and sat down. Next, like a little monkey, she climbed up Qiao Nan's knees and sat obediently on her mother's lap.