
Nan Nan was at Qiao Dongliang's beck and call. Zhai Sheng was really eager to try and do something to Qiao Dongliang.

"…" Qiao Nan had a complicated look on her face, as if she was in a dilemma. "Who asked me to be his daughter? Who asked him to be slightly better as compared to Qiao Zijin and Ding Jiayi? If I could be tolerant of the both of them, then my tolerance level for my father would naturally be higher." However, regardless of how high it was, she would still feel hurt and upset. "Don't change the topic. What happened?"

Brother Zhai was her father's son-in-law. As such, Brother Zhai would only be like her. It wouldn't be convenient for him to lay a heavy hand on the Qiao family.