Nearly Scared Away

Qiao Nan, who was in a daze after hearing Zhai Sheng's introduction, instinctively responded by calling them uncle and auntie. The problem was that this was a conversation meant for boyfriends and girlfriends. She did not share such a relationship with Zhai Sheng.

Now that she knew who Zhai Yaohui and Miao Jing were, she had no right to address them as uncle and auntie. She had to use honorifics when addressing them, just like how ordinary people would address them.

"We'll be a family soon. There's no need to be so courteous and address us so distantly. Addressing us as uncle and auntie will do." Miao Jing had tried her best to restrain herself but had still failed miserably. And so she took large strides toward Qiao Nan and grabbed Qiao Nan's hands without giving her the chance to refuse.