Not a Divorce

Besides, she had always heard Wang Yang talking about how capable and impressive Zhu Chengqi had been in his youth. Even now that he was old, no one had ever taken advantage of Zhu Chengqi. As such, Wang Yang's wife was even more cautious. "Neither you nor I know whether that old man's hearing is really bad. Only he has mentioned it. The old man just left and you made such a loud noise by slamming your chopsticks down. What if he heard it? What would he think of us? We're living such miserable lives with that old man now. We're still young and can't possibly die before him."

Wang Yang's wife leisurely took a sip of her congee. "Today's pain is tomorrow's strength. He's already on the verge of dying while we still have half our lives ahead of us. What's the hurry?"