Feeling Regretful

Qiao Zijin didn't reply to Ding Jiayi's Weixin. Ding Jiayi waited and waited. She couldn't help but give Qiao Zijin a call. "Hello? Zijin, it's Mom. Have you reached the capital?"

Upon receiving Ding Jiayi's call, Qiao Zijin thought that since she no longer had to pay for her mobile bills anymore, it was alright for her to receive her mom's long-distance call. "Why didn't you ask me if I found a place to live in in this big capital?" She was already an adult. Could it be that she would get lost? It wasn't important if she had reached the capital. It was more important to find a place to live after arriving in the capital.

Since Qiao Zijin had already asked so, Ding Jiayi could only ask, "Have you found a place to live in? You should have reached quite early today. If it's really difficult, make do at a small hotel tonight first. You can find a house again tomorrow." What time was it now? The intermediaries should have been closed. How was she going to find a house?