Bad-Tempered (1)

When they were younger, Qiu Qin allowed Qi Minlan to keep running to the Zhai family's house. This had long proven that Qiu Qin wasn't a man with a backbone.

Qi Minlan was old but she was still strong. What was the significance of dragging this marriage? If she refused to get a divorce and give up her position, Qiu Qin would chase after her every day and annoy her to death. He could similarly achieve his goal.

He wanted a divorce? So be it!

Qi Minlan didn't like Qiu Qin, and she was still a rational person. When her parents-in-law were alive, she had already known that not only did Qiu Qin have a woman outside, but he was also providing for a son. In order to protect her own interests, Qi Minlan had long used Qiu Qin's style of work as something against him such that the elders from the Qiu family would hand over everything to her. Even the house was transferred to Qi Minlan's name.