Asking for Trouble

Just as Lu Yichen expected, Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't find the way to the basketball court. Initially, she had been following the signs along the road. However, Shangde High was simply too big and the signs too confusing for her that she inevitably got lost.

What's more, she went in circles and had no idea where she was.

Mu Xiaoxiao recalled that Lu Yichen had told her to call him in case she got lost. As she was just about to call him, she saw from a distance several girls walking toward her direction.

It seemed embarrassing for her to call about being lost, so she decided to try asking for directions first.

The girls seemed to be looking for something as they glanced left and right.

Mu Xiaoxiao walked over and heard that they were discussing something and sounded rather displeased.

"Where could she be? The school is so big. Do we really have to look in every corner?"