The Question of Bai Meijiao's Punishment

Mu Xiaoxiao had already come to terms with the news and was somewhat full now. She looked at Yin Shaojie in the eyes and pulled his hand off.

"I know. I wasn't thinking that it was my fault."

How was it her fault that Bai Meijiao happened to hate her and wanted to cause her harm?

She wasn't the type of person to wallow in self-pity.

Mu Xiaoxiao gave her usual smile as she looked at Han Qiqing and Song Shijun and assured them, saying, "Relax, I'm fine. I'm only feeling a little gloomy because I'm upset."

It should be normal for her to feel gloomy since she had never experienced anyone mysteriously and repeatedly trying to harm her, right?

Han Qiqing smiled back. "As long you're fine," she said.

Song Shijun was relieved as well and picked out a piece of food for Mu Xiaoxiao. "Here you go. Supplant that indignation with an appetite for food! This beef fillet is quite delicious; have some."